It depends on if the plates are misaligned vertically or horizontally but both can be troubleshooted.
If vertical (meaning the back or front touch first) then we would recommend applying full pressure at almost 4k-5k psi to balance that out.
If it is horizontal and they do not come togethere symmetrically. Then, you just need to loosen the allen bolts on top with no pressure and loosen the bolts just a little on the top plate to let it move, then jack the bottom plate up to meet it at exactly the right way and then tighten the top. (meaning if the plates are together but say the left or right side do not meet up the right way)
We would need to see a picture to know more accurately, but the only adjustment necessary would be to loosen the top bolts (4 for the lid and 4 holding in the top plate) so just a simple allen key will do the trick, its a fairly easy process if that is the issue.
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